Since 2014 Freedom in Creation has offered internships to local and international post-secondary and university-level students. To date we have have partnered with American University (Graduate level, USA), Earth University (Undergraduate, Costa Rica), Gulu University (Undergraduate, Uganda), Labora Youth Center (Technical School, Uganda) and The University for Peace (Graduate level, Costa Rica). Students are given opportunities to learn and serve as they par
ticipate in model farming, water and hygiene programs, art as therapy, entrepreneurship and global education programs. Students live on or near our farm, also known at the Center for Sustainability, which is 12.5 acre educational facility equipped with a solar-powered classroom for fifty students, a dorm accommodating four students, a biogas powered kitchen, a rainwater harvesting tank of 120,000+ liters, seventy goats, eight cows, thirty-five pigs, a plant nursery, and a mandala permaculture garden. Students have concentrated on varying interests including youth agriculture education curriculum, pasture improvement, mapping, fencing, and appropriate technology design (Tilapia mandala system, solar dryer).